Polydopamine-modified chitin conduits with sustained release of bioactive peptides enhance periphera
The introduction of neurotrophic factors into injured peripheral nerve sites is beneficial to peripheral nerve regenerat......
C-Jun Gene-Modified Schwann Cells:Upregulating Multiple Neurotrophic Factors and Promoting Neurite O
Genetic modified Schwann Cells(SCs)over-expressing neurotrophic factors(NFs),especially those with multiple NFs over-exp......
It is well known that obstructive sleep apnea and associated intermittent hypoxemia cause deficit in learning and memory......
Hirschsprungs disease is a congenital condition characterised by the absence of enteric ganglia and is often associated ......
Pretreated Glehnia littoralis Extract Prevents Neuronal Death Following Transient Global Cerebral Is
肿瘤嗜神经侵袭(perineural invasion,PNI)是恶性肿瘤转移的一种特殊方式,往往导致手术切除瘤体不彻底和肿瘤复发.PNI 发生的......
[目的]观察慢性间歇低氧(chronic intermittent hypoxia,CIH)对海马神经元兴奋性突触传递等电生理特性的影响,以及对谷氨酸受......
目的 脑源性神经营养因子(brain-derived neurotrophic factor,BDNF)不论在蛋白水平还是基因多态性方面,均与精神分裂症的发生......
脑源性神经营养因子(Brain-derived neurotrophicfactor,BDNF)是神经营养因子家族的重要成员,主要参与神经系统中神经元的增殖分化......
目的 探讨3种不同类型抗抑郁药对脑源性神经营养因子(BDNF)、神经营养因子3(NT-3)及其功能性受体TrkB/C在抗抑郁效应及抑郁症病理......
Previous studies have shown that transplanted enteric glia enhance axonal regeneration,reduce tissue damage,and promote ......
Fol owing spinal cord injury, astrocyte proliferation and scar formation are the main factors inhibiting the regenerat......
Shuganjieyu capsule has been approved for clinical treatment by the State Food and Drug Administration of China since 20......
Transfection of the glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor gene promotes neuronal differentiati
Glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor recombinant adenovirus vector-transfected bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells......
Post-stroke depression is associated with reduced expression of brain-derived neurotrophic factor(BDNF). In this study, ......
Optic nerve regeneration is an important area of research. It can be used to treat patients suffering from optic neuropa......
Among the macromolecular drug targets in neurodegenerative disorders, the neurotrophin brain-derived neurotrophic factor......
Effects of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation on cognitive function and cholinergic activi
Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) is a non-invasive treatment that can enhance the recovery of neurolo......
Schwann cells play a major role in helping heal injured nerves.They help dear debris,produce neurotrophins,upregulate ne......
神经营养因子( NTFs)是指一类能促进神经细胞存活、生长、分化的蛋白质,在胚胎时期即可调控人体的生长发育。在中枢神经系统中,NTFs不......
目的 研究阿托伐他汀对于脑梗死患者神经影响因子(brain-derived neurotrophic factor BDNF)的影响作用.方法 比较脑梗死患者使用......
脑源性神经营养因子(brain-derived neurotrophic factor,BDNF)是神经营养因子家族成员之一.酪氨酸激酶受体B(tyrosine receptor k......
Brachial plexus injury is frequently induced by injuries, accidents or birth trauma. Upper limb function may be partiall......
Mecobalamin,a form of vitamin B12 containing a central metal element(cobalt),is one of the most important mediators of n......